Our products

We specialise in performance of details with CNC lathes. We perform them according to patterns and drawings provided by the client, virtually from any material and with high accuracy.

They are used by producers of devices for different branches of the industry and exported to many countries. Prior to commencement of permanent cooperation, we perform sample series which are subject to qualitative evaluation at the client’s. We guarantee full confidentiality of entrusted information and data.

The maintenance of high accuracy of machined details is possible due to well-equipped department of quality control.

We specialise in performance of short and medium-size detail series


We own modern CNC lathes from German and Japanese producers. Our last purchases were in January 2017, i.e. two new lathes produced by Japanese company TAKAMAZ. The machines owned by our company allow for machining details at the high technical level.


Young team of ambitious employees who want to develop their knowledge and maintain high professional level. The technical staff has traits which result in good atmosphere for achievement of ambitious goals.


Meeting declared deadlines is our priority. The company develops only when the clients are provided with comfort of cooperation. Prompt order performance is one of the most important aspects in winning the market.


Maintenance of high quality of performed details is the best marketing solution. We experience it in our everyday operation. High quality enabled us to develop cooperation with many partners who commission the performance of next details.

WAKSIM specialises in performance of details with CNC lathes. We perform elements according to the client’s drawings. Our department of quality control is well-equipped with numerous devices. We specialise in performance of short and medium-size detail series.

Informujemy że firma WAKSIM Sp. z o.o. Sp.K. podpisała umowę o dofinansowanie projektu w ramach działania 3.4 Dotacje na kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego. Dowiedz się więcej »